Utani Ne'Chakk

Update: Utani has been immortalized in Lego! Woo!

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Utani2.jpg (914325 bytes) Swoopgang.jpg (303228 bytes)


* (Dibs! Mine! I saw it first!!!)

Name:  Utani Ne'Chakk
Height:  2'11"
Weight:  85 lbs.  
Age:  Unknown
Hair: Black, Stringy
Eyes: Glowing Yellow

Vital Statistics:

Dexterity 3D   Perception 2D+1
Blaster 4D+2 Bargain 5D+1
Dodge 6D Con
Pickpocket 5D Hide
Running Persuasion
Vehicle Blasters Sneak
Knowledge 3D   Strength 1D
Alien Species Climbing/Jumping
Streetwise 6D+1
Mechanical 4D+2   Technical 4D+2
Ground Vehicle Op Blaster Repair 6D
Droid Prog/Rep 9D+2
Ground Vehicle Repair
Repulsorlift Repair
Space Transports Repair

Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 17

Physical Description:

Utani is a small, smelly Jawa. No real surprises there. You've seen one Jawa, you've seen 'em all. 

Typical Outfit: 

Utani commonly wears a tattered black robe, made from Ronto hide, black leather gloves, and a bandolier full of small items. He's always been a droid fanatic, so he is usually accompanied by at least one or two droids wherever he goes. An avid tinker, his Jawa Ion Rifle is almost the size of a light repeater, and just as nasty - as long as he's shooting at droids or electronic equipment. More often than not he is found reclining on his custom hoverchair-droid, Grommit. He always carries a bewildering array of tools, small knives, stun pistols, bits of shiny machinery and loops of twine and baling wire.


Utani was one of the few survivors of a huge attack on Sanker's Mountain (The ancestral home of the Jawa on Tatooine) by the ubiquitous Tusken Raiders. Part of a vocal minority trying to raise the Jawas in defense and revenge, Utani wandered from clan to clan to stir up sympathetic Jawas. Most Jawa are inherently cowards, however, so he didn't find much in the way of help. Disgusted with most of his fellows, Utani forsook his clan to take the battle to the Sandpeople - by himself if necessary. Of course, like all Jawa Utani was easily distracted, and so ended up in Mos Eisley pilfering and plundering. This is where he met and joined the now infamous Thunder Team, adding his penchant for theft and destruction to their own. Constantly underfoot and causing mischief, Utani was, if anything, good comic relief for the group. His multiple droids caused problems from time to time, especially Libby, the Security Perimeter Defense Droid. Libby had a bit of trouble distinguishing friend from foe, and as such was warily approached whenever the crew was away from the ship for any length of time. Utani was once revered as a god on a primitive backwater planet, and he's got the place earmarked for when he retires. Eventually Utani left the party to pursue and destroy a rogue medical droid. He still pops up from time to time, wreaking havoc, or offering a safe (albeit smelly) haven for his past acquaintances.

Feelings regarding the Empire: 

If they have droids or shiny bits of stuff to steal, they're a prime target, as far as Utani is concerned.

Feelings regarding the Rebellion:

See "Feelings regarding the Empire" above.

Current Profession: 

Freelance Droid Recovery Agent, and Procurement Specialist. (In other words, he's a thief and a cheat.)

Desired Profession: 

Utani is doing EXACTLY what he wants to be doing, namely cheating and stealing.