Random City Events


1 Strike at a local meat packing plant
2 Planet wide communications failure
3 A local wants to idolize a character—will follow them
4 A “tough” guy threatens a random character
5 A large transport of manure or something else vile spills near the characters
6 A large AgriMech droid goes crazy, rampaging destruction
7 Local food train crashes and spills on the street, much chaos
8 Someone looking to buy passage “off this miserable rock”
9 Local Businessman tries to sell a load of something to one of the characters
10 Character gets approached by a stranger looking to buy restricted goods
11 Large shipment of base worthless minerals shows up at the ship
12 Local redneck-type gets drunk and makes a pass at one of the characters
13 Stampede of local animals---rats, cows, nerfs, whatever
14 Local polititian asking for votes, money, or something else
15 Person of opposite sex walks up and strikes character “ that’s for last night”
16 Two VERY large aliens start a fight and try to eat each other
17 Large explosion at a nearby processing plant—methane
18 Strange, random, huge storm rolls in sending weather control into chaos
19 Random character is mistaken for someone famous
20 Local NewsNet reporter follows group thinking they are up to no good


1 Someone tries to buy passage to another system
2 Large traffic accident, many deaths, much chaos
3 Man approaches a character, acting strange, then gives them some money
4 Large “Grand Opening” of a major store, many crazy female types
5 “Acid” like substance oozes out of a pipe in front of characters
6 Large-scale droid strike at a local company
7 Local sports star with his huge following wanders by
8 Group is accidentally caught in the middle of a movie being filmed, play it up
9 Famous “personage” bumps into a character at random, someone like Lando
10 Small-scale riot breaks out between two local rival gangs
11 Galactic “Rock” star wanders by and asks for some drugs
12 Messy breakup of a couple happens in front of the group, huge amounts of drama
13 Ship jacking attempt on the groups ship
14 Random character finds an ID badge from a local company
15 Potential black market contact attempts to talk to a random character
16 Drunken Spacer thinks a random character is a female in heat and tries to get some
17 Small-time bank robbery goes down in front of group, huge amounts of police around
18 Very strange noises from an alleyway ahead of the group
19 Local “Army” stages a parade, can be funny or very tense
20 Crazy old maintenance worker mistakes character for someone, gives good info

Mega City/Hive Planet

1 Huge procession of someone very important, maybe Vader
2 Someone finds a small amount of money belonging to a crime lord
3 Very strange sounds and some fluid from an alley ahead of group
4 Huge traffic accident over many levels, massive destruction and death
5 Emergency alert on the COMM system, could be a false alarm
6 Several local “thugs” try and hustle the group or character
7 Very Professional bank robbers, try and catch group up in the middle 
8 Government Auditor stops by the ship for a little visit
9 Infamous Gunfighter stares down a random character---tense
10 Strange man offers to sell some restricted information
11 Very strange smells and fumes erupt from the ventilation shafts, nasty
12 Terrorist attack at a nearby building, huge explosion
13 Small out-of-control spaceship/hover vehicle crashes nearby
14 Large pipe carrying some kind of liquid explodes soaking entire group
15 A HUGE police chase roars by and thru the characters
16 An old, retired military type is drunk and recalling his memories
17 A fast-food delivery man walks up with your huge order of food
18 Crazed pack of females tries to rid the clothes off a male character
19 Very strange alien tries to hand a character a small package
20 Large-scale battle breaks out between rival companies