This planet was the site of an Alliance rout of Victory-class Star Destroyers during the Galactic Civil War. The battle exposed the Victory's slow sublight speed as a weakness.

Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, and Chewbacca sought the bounty hunter Bossk on this planet.

This cold, rocky world, located in the remote Escandar Sector, was an Alliance safeworld during the Galactic Civil War. Its surface was a rocky collection of mountains and chasms, and was wracked by intense storms. The Alliance formed its base there by gouging out the stone and creating a network of caverns and tunnels. The planet itself had no strategic value, but the families of front-line Alliance soldiers were secreted here during wartime. The transport ship Celestial was bound there when it was overtaken by the prisoners it was transporting. The ship was lost in Otherspace, where the Charon were able to discover the planet's location. The Charon, under the command of the former Grand Moff Ravik, tried to destroy the planet, but were thwarted in their efforts by Alliance agents. The Charon Starship Desolate was nearly destroyed on the planet. There was no known sentient life on Stronghold, and very little plant or animal life survived on the rocky surface.

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